Monday, December 3, 2012

Quiz on Tuesday - last one

Hi guys,

Here are some clarification.

When IDing out things / we now move into time periods & culture.
EX. Isenhim Altar Piece (Northern Rennissance)
Sistine Chapel (Rennisance)
Raphel's School of Ahthens (High Rennisance)
Carvaggio (Baroque)
Anything rather pink with necking couple (Rococo)
Anything with Napoleon on a white horse (neo-classism)

Hopefully that type of clarification helps on the ID section.
Again on your music test be prepared to match the song selection to the composer name / title (this will be provided).

Here is some more videos concerning the places that you are traveling.

Great longer videos on Carvaggio / DaVinci / Michelangelo / Bernini (we only get to graze in class and this will help with some of your understanding.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Oh the places you will go...

Take a look at these different places that we will visit and you discussed in class today. Be ready to identify architectural styles. It will also give you a good idea of the scope and massiveness of these places that you will visit.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Quiz today!

Hi guys,

Just a reminder that there is a quiz today after the security training. Roughly 30 or so questions. Mostly given from the lecture last Tuesday with some questions from the book in the mix. You will be responsible for slides - these will be identified by the culture that made them (aka sphinx / egyptians or lascaux cave / paleolithic). We will be discussing our alternative options for the longer class session and be sure to read over the chapters assigned in the syllabus.

See you tonight!
Ms. Posey

Friday, January 6, 2012

Art Journal - the chunk of your grade

Time to start thinking about your travel journal. Again...please refer to your syllabus before you go as far as requirements of what is to be in there. Don't forget you have one additional experience report. This will have to be an event that falls into the final chapters that we covered. I will be taking side trips to Opera in Milan / Vivaldi concert in Venice and the Guggenheim (modern art museum in Venice) if you want to help fulfilling that final component. Those experience reports can be written into the journal (if you hand writing is legible please) they do not have be typed. Also you will need to document each day you are there so bring this with you when you go to sites. I would take tape with you as well as the journal so that when you get done with each day you can tape ticket stubs, brochures, pictures, etc into the journal. You need to have proof of where you have been and these are it.My journal/sketchbook is always on me, I would recommend something you can keep in your purse or back pocket. Here are some ideas of things that might be good to fill out the journal Things you can put in a travel journal
There are a lot of things you can put in a travel journal. These are just a few ideas to get you started.

* Words: your experiences, interesting conversations, quotes you hear around, information of places you visit.
* Drawings: even if you aren't the artistic type, everyone can make a quick sketch of places you visit or a rough map of your whereabouts.
* Photos: nowadays it's extremely easy to print photos from a digital camera and have them ready in less than 5 minutes. Take advantage of that and add photos to your journal.
* Ephemera: train and bus tickets, leaflets, brochures, interesting napkins, sweet wrappings, pressed flowers....

Remember this will be viewed as documentary work of art - but above all it will have to be a record of your time. The journal will be due on Friday, January 27th. I realize that we start school the next week and some of you are not coming back to campus. You will have to get your journal to me by that exceptions or you will not get a grade for the course. Mail is acceptable please send to 505 Indian Trail / Medina, TN 38355 or you can drop it off on campus at my office A17. Again, this is part of the reason why you can not do this all when you get back you should be working on it the whole time that you are over in Italy. Here are a few examples that you can draw from. If you have any questions just drop me an e'mail. Looking forward to the trip! See you Monday!